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New Dev Diary for Dual Universe recaps December and future plans

Dual Universe December 2019 Dev Diary

Dual Universe, the new MMO from Novaquark, is heading into the new year strong, The company has just announced a ton of news about the project, with aim to give players and fans a general idea of where the game is headed. The developer just updated their roadmap for the next few months revealing plans to move the game into the next phase of development.

December 2019 is about to be a very exciting month for Novaquark. The team is gearing up to move Dual Universe into its final alpha stage of testing. This last stage will be the third alpha for the game, and it’s set to begin in 2020. Following the January Alpha 3 release will be two Beta releases, which are scheduled for Summer 2020 and early 2021 respectively.  The video segment also goes into other plans the developer has for the future.

Check it out in the video segment below.

At it’s core, Dual Universe is a game about building the universe around you. Players work together, and even compete, to build the sandbox experience to their own whims. The game is all about emergent gameplay, or making your own fun. From building the industry and economic muscle that drives the production and trading, to creating the ships players will use to eventually wage war over resources and power, there’s a ton of potential here.

Achieving this is a rather lofty goal for them to reach, but the fanbase is confident in the progress that has been made so far. It also helps that they have several former CCP employees, those who worked on the king of emergent gameplay in MMOs, EVE Online.

Just like in EVE, players will be able to explore the universe, exploit vast wealth and wage in political and military conflict to gain power. There’s plenty of depth to the mechanics too, and social activity is a huge part of the game, as Dual Universe is all on one server. So anyone whose looking to whittle away the hours on something new and engaging, this may be the game for you.

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