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World of Warcraft: Legion announced, adds Demon Hunter class


Blizzard are in the midst of their World of Warcraft expansion reveal, which has turned out to be all about the return of the Burning Legion. Consequently, the name of the expansion is to be World of Warcraft: Legion.

Since those darned demonic hordes have shown up again, Azeroth’s heroes will need to head for the Broken Isles and search for the Tomb of Sargeras This is the gateway where the Burning Legion are entering the realm.

In World of Warcraft: Legion, it’ll be possible to play as a Demon Hunter and secure Artifact Weapons (described as “class-specific, highly customizable weapons forged in the fires of lore”.) The level cap will be pushed up to 110, and there will be new dungeons and raids to go on, alongside the continent of the Broken Isles.

There’s also mention of a PvP ‘Honor System’ with “PvP-specific talents, rewards, and progression,” plus the addition of class-specific Order Halls.

Beta sign-ups for World of Warcraft: Legion are being taken right now. To stand a chance of getting in, Blizzard suggest doing the following: “If you’re interested in opting in for a chance to participate in the Legion beta test later this year, let us know! Simply log in to your account, go to Beta Profile Settings, make sure the Warcraft option is checked, and click Update Preferences.”

There’s more to read about Legion on the expansion’s dedicated site. You’ll also get an overview of the new features in the trailer, below.

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