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Star Wars Battlefront II Community Update teases General Grievous

Star Wars Battlefront II Grievous Update

Since it’s controversial launch in November 2017, EA and DICE have been working hard to correct past mistakes with Star Wars Bettlefront II. And the latest announcements concerning new content for the game are promising, and showcase that EA and DICE are still committed to delivering an enjoyable gameplay experience.

Most of this has already been seen as of last week when the character was announced, but let’s run through all the update plans for November in case you missed them.

Grievous is being introduced to Star Wars Bettlefront II to spice up battlefields in the multiplayer shooter. The tone and abilities of the character are much more reminiscent of the terrifying brute from the Clone Wars animated series (the first one, the good one.) and not the overly simplistic and less interesting version of the character from Episode III.

We once again see General Grievous rushing into combat and making deadly use of his main abilities. The trailer let’s us see three moves in total, Thrust Surge, Unrelenting Advance and Claw Rush. Each one has their own uses and is primarily offensive in nature, which fits perfectly with the ruthless berserker vibe of the character.

Grievous is also being treated with two appearances, one being his default, and the other feature a battle-damaged exoskeleton. Both version will be available as of November 28 with the Battle of Geonosis Update that also introduces Obi-Wan Kenobi and the planet of Geonosis to Galactic Assault. The default appearance will be available first though.

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The team is also planning to rebalance the Star Cards system by removing unused versions of existing cards and replacing them with better choices. We see two new powerup variants this week with the preview of Health of Defeat cards and Defeat with Ability cards. Health on Defeat is pretty simple, granting the user health when they kill an enemy. Defeat with Ability cards work similarly, but only grant health or buffs when used with specific cooldowns with that character. Health on Defeat heroes include: Boba Fett, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Kylo Ren and Darth Maul. Meanwhile the Death with Ability heroes are: Chewbacca, Yoda, Finn and Captain Phasma. A full list of the Star Cards can be found on the Battlefront forums with a detailed breakdown of all the Cards that are changing.

Check out the new Community Update video down below. Star Wars Bettlefront II is out now for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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