General Gaming News

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Has Cross-Play and Free DLC

Call of Duty Modern Warfare

So Infinity Ward just announced that they’re working on a more realistic take of military shooters with a reimagining of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. After months of leaks and rumors, the new version of the classic shooter franchise has finally been confirmed. This rework of the 2007-2011 series will feature plenty of new and returning elmenents and is sure to make fans happy.

One thing that fans have been pining for is the return to singleplayer. This is something that the developers have made clear they want to do, and that the game’s story will be more believable and applicable to the modern political climate. That’s all well and good, but the multiplayer is what most people care about, and some news on that front has the internet buzzing.

For one thing, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players will now be able to play together in matches, and likely online campaign runs, across any platform. The inclusion of both PC and console audiences in multiplayer shooters like this is likely to anger some. As the skill ceiling between these two control types is well-documented. The devs should be able to account for that though with balance passes and map layout changes which nullify any innate advantage.

And speaking of maps, the team behind Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 has revealed that the maps released as part of the post-launch content will be made for free to all players. This means that all the players battling it out across PC and consoles will all be on relatively level playing field in terms of access to new content. Another change compared to previous entries in the franchise, and the rest of the AAA industry, there will be no season pass for this game.

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So all in all, the decision for Call of Duty to depart from the more traditional DLC plans of paid map packs will just be one more thing the new version of the FPS franchise will make gamers happy with. There’s still the potential for exclusives, or at least timed releases, on some platforms. There may also be other types of content, although the lack of a Season Pass could spell bad news for multiple major expansions being released. We’ll have to wait for the inevitable press blitz next month at E3 2019 to learn more.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will launch on October 25 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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