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Assassin’s Creed Unity gets massive third patch to make things right

Assassin’s Creed Unity gets massive third patch

The newest patch for Assassin’s Creed Unity is a huge one. The game has had a ton of issues since launch, and Ubisoft has been trying to patch things over. The game has a ways to go though, judging by the sheer volume of bugs found. This patch alone deals with more than 300 bugs and other issues. There are also performance fixes as well.

The PC performance focus has helped improve various forms of rendering and increase FPS. Overall, PC gamers should notice that  Assassin’s Creed Unity is less resource-intensive and can deal with particle effects a bit better, Beyond that, gameplay got a ton of attention. Camera issues were one sore spot for many players, as were clipping issues and other bugs.  Some of these should be less common now.

The patch will deploy via  Live Update on PC first. We should see a console patch at some point soon.

Check out the full patch note here.

Assassin’s Creed Unity Third Patch Notes

Stability and Performance

Gameplay (Navigation, Fight and Stealth)

AI & Crowd

Matchmaking, Connectivity and Replication

Menus and HUD

Mission Tweaks (Campaign, Co-op and Side Content)

World and 3D

Progression and Difficulty

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