General Gaming News

You can now gift a friend Blizzard Balance on


Blizzard has expanded friend gifting to now include Blizzard Balances, according to a recent announcement on the gaming service. If you’ve got a friend, guildmate or fellow raider who could use some cash for a new expansion, you can now help them out.

Now, instead of just in-game items being sent as gifts, users can also send over cash in various increments.

Here’s how to gift Blizzard Balance to a friend through

  • Visit the Blizzard Shop
  • Go to Blizzard Balance
  • Select ‘Add/Gift Balance’
  • Choose the amount you want to send
  • Hit ‘Gift Balance’
  • Then select a friend

Blizzard will then send the amount, with a special notification and a personalized message that you can customize, to your friend’s account. App notifications are also sent out so you don’t have to worry about your friend missing the message. Your friend then needs to claim the digital gift balance into their account.

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Balance gifting is available now on

Now only if Steam would make gifting balance this easy.

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