
Where to Get Wyrdwood in New World

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In this guide, you will learn where to get Wyrdwood in New World and find out what it is used for. That way, you can move your production schedule around if there’s an item you really need. Wyrdwood is a tier 4 resource you can start acquiring once you level up your logging skill to level 100. To track it on the map, you need to have 125 Tracking. You also need a Logging Axe of some kind to actually harvest it. You will get both Sap and the wood itself from the node.

You get at least 500 Logging XP for cutting down a small tree. You get as much as 1,200 Logging XP for a Large one. It takes anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes for the nodes to respawn. So go around and hunt for some other stuff while you’re out. Maybe try finding some Petrified Wood if you need it.

The thing is, these are kind of hard to find. Despite its unique appearance, it seems as though Wyrdwood in New World is a pretty rare thing to find. Nodes spawn in a few different regions, but are very sparsely packed. The most densely packed location that’s been found so far is in the southeastern corner of Brightwood. There are also a few small copse of trees far north of the town in Mourningdale.

Head out from the southern fort in Brightwood and head east. You will be south of the big lake nearby, keep going toward the eastern border of the region. Keep following the trail until you head over two small rivers and the trees will be found in the rocky area past that. Use the map below to find the exact locations.

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Where to Get Wyrdwood in New World

What is Wyrdwood in New World used for?

The primary use of these is to make Planks, and then turn those into a variety of furniture and decorative items. You can also use it to make some of the best tier 5 Epic weapons in the game, such as the Hulking Berserker’s Battleaxe. There are some great melee and ranged weapons that can be made using this wood.

Hulking Berserker's Battleaxe

To craft Wyrdwood Planks, you will need Wyrdwood and Lumber. You need a ready supply of Lumber for starters. This is an item that requires Woodworking level 50 to create, and is refined from Wood of any kind. Once you have Lumber combine it with Coarse Sandpaper, found in Supply Containers in zones level 38 and below.

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