Gems such as Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond are just a few of the resources used in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. These gems are some of the rarest ones though and you will need a lot of them. For various upgrades and unlocks, you will need all kinds of gems in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. There are rubies, sapphires and diamonds which are the most commonly needed materials. You might also need them to get through some quests.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity has a lot of things to do, including a full roster of secret characters to unlock. To make things easier, here’s a guide explaining some of the best ways to get gems.
How to get various gems in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
The most common source of rare drops of any kind, including gems, is through killing enemies and mining rocks on the battlefield. This is a very slow process though, as the drops are random. Luckily there is a much faster option to get your hands on gems.
When you get through the main story to a certain point, you unlock a Store over near Gerudo Village. The prices here for gems are pretty high, as you need a lot of gems and minerals. Once you have completed the Gerudo Town questlines, the shop is the easiest way to find these things quickly.
What about the Sheikah Sensor?
There is also one other option to help speed up farming for gems and other resources, the Sheikah Sensor. This item helps track quests that have certain materials, and you can set it to highlight quests that have a certain material on the map. It’s mostly useful for fulfilling quest requirements, but can clue you in about where to look for certain items. Here’s how to get it.
You need to turn in 200 Bokoblin Trophies, 50 Lizalfos Trophies, and 1,000 rupees to Akkala in a quest called “Needed: Researchers!” That will unlock the full sensor and all of its capabilities. Once you’ve unlocked the sensor, you can begin tracking quests and shops that have missing material.
From there you should open your map and find a quest that has the material you’re looking for. Any quests that have missing materials have a red highlight around the item text in the quest description. If you highlight that quest and press X on it, it will begin to highlight drops for that item. Tracked materials will get a green sensor icon over them. Registered quests will also get a green dot on their map icon as well. That way you know where to go to get various items. Tap X again to remove the item from your tracked items.