
Where to find Tarana in Fornite Chapter 2 Season 6

How to craft a Hunter’s Cloak in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6

The Spires are back again this week in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 3. Challenges this week tie back into the storyline surrounding these strange structures. And in-universe, there’s still no one who knows what’s going on. Players in the game are busy shooting each other, but the lore hounds are busy trying to figure this mess out. To tease fans, Epic has included new challenges surrounding the new storyline. One such task involves going to find Tarana in Fornite Chapter 2 Season 6.

Where to find Tarana in Fornite Chapter 2 Season 6

Tarana is located in Boney Burbs. Check just west of the Spire in the center of the map. She will walk around the POI over the course of the match, so look out for the white dialogue box over her head. Just run up and talk to her to complete the task.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 3 has many new tasks to complete, but they’re going to be tough to do. This challenge will be pretty dangerous right now. The areas around each spawn and POI involved are incredibly high-traffic at the moment. There’s a lot of nonsense to deal with. Be careful going into these areas unless you want to get shot.

Along with this challenge, there are more general and themed tasks to complete. The Epic challenges this week include both Easter elements and some other stuff.

You can find the rest of the Week 3 challenges below:

  • Fly 20 meters with a chicken
  • Hunt chickens
  • Catch fish at Camp Cod, Lake Canoe, or Stealthy Stronghold
  • Deal damage with shotguns
  • Get headshots with rifles
  • Deal damage within 20 meters using a pistol or revolver
  • Eliminate Raptor, Zenith, or Blackheart
  • Forage colored eggs hidden around the map

And that’s not all this week either. THe new Shrine challenges around the Spires are a key part of progression this week. Here are the rest of the Tarana Shrine challenges you need to complete:

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