MMO GuidesTutorials

Where to find Steel in New World

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Crafting is a huge part of the experience in the hit new MMO, New World. Thousands of players are adventuring a new fantastical land, looking for rare resources and items. And thanks to the complex progression system around trade skills, there’s tons of stuff to make and sell. Trading for better gear costs money, and why do that, when you could make it yourself. But as you get to higher levels, the gear becomes harder to make. One of the first materials you will find yourself working with in the mid-game is Steel. This guide will talk you through how to make Steel in New World.

How to make Steel in New World

You cannot mine steel, you have to synthesize it, this is true in both the real world and in this video game. Steel in the real world is made by increasing the carbon content of iron and purifying it, in simple terms. Steel in New World is a bit simpler, much simpler in fact. You don’t have to mess with high temperatures and specific mixes of material, you just need to combine a few specific ingredients. You do need to grind a bit, as you need to be Smelting Level 50 to make Steel. Here are the ingredients you need to gather for one Steel Ingot:

  • 3x Iron Ingot
  • 2x Charcoal
  • 1x Flux

If you don’t want to waste all that time gathering. But if you’re trying to speed things up, we have a few ways to help. If you want a fast way to find any resource, use the New World map that the community has put together. If you want to know without having to fiddle with it, keep reading. If you’re hunting for Motes, we have a guide on that too.

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To make Steel, first you need to make tons of Iron ingots. Iron can be found all over the map, usually in caves nearby other ore nodes. It’s a very common material, and can be readily bought and sold on the Trading Post if you’re short and don’t want to hunt for it.

Charcoal is made from 2x Green Wood at a Smelter. You get Green Wood from any choppable tree, and from various provision chests scattered around the map. Focus on cutting down Young Trees to get Green Wood. You don’t need to have any Smelting XP to make this.

There are three types of Flux: Sand Flux, Shelldust Flux and Obsidian Flux. Sand Flux is by far the most common. Sand Flux is a Tier 3 resource, and It can be gathered from Supply Containers found in zones up to level 38. You can also get it from some quest rewards. And like all the other items on this list, you can trade for it.

Now that you have your ingredients, take them to a Tier 3 Smelter to make a Steel Ingot.

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