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Where to find cows in New World

Amazon's New World

Crafting and getting better equipment in New World is a big deal. As you fight tougher enemies, you will find that rare gear is often necessary. As you level up, that basic stuff just won’t cut it anymore. You will also need to worry about crafting new bags to expand your inventory space. If you’re deep into the crafting, all that material takes up a lot of space. But to make all of that, and do any cooking or other jobs, you need materials. There’s a lot of things you need to do, and a lot of tools you’re going to use.

Having success in this game is all about being able to explore. Tons of hidden fights and other content can be a pathway to major resources and gear. And with the crafting system incentivizing traveling around, it becomes important to know the world around you. As such, Fast Travel in New World is pretty important. You will want to jump around the world and hunt down these various items. You might also want to find ore nodes like Gold and Iron.

To find cows in New World you will need to search a bunch of different places. If you want a fast way to find any resource, use the New World map that the community has put together. If you want to know without having to fiddle with it, keep reading.

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Where to find cows in New World

Cows in New World seem to mostly spawn in Monarch’s Bluffs, primarily to the east of the region in the Moonshade area. You need to head towards Farside Township, right by the Primrose area. There are a couple of cow spawns along the path heading south. Players have also reported that there is a cow further north, near Crone’s Rest.

Where to find cows in New World

You’ll need to be at least level 25 in Tracking and Skinning to harvest resources from the cows.

The amount of resources you get from each one is pretty meager. Thankfully, most resources and animals appear to respawn after a few minutes, so it’s pretty easy to do a loop of the location above.

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