The legendary Aquanaja fish in New World is a pretty rare drop. Players are hunting it for a bunch of different reasons. Some folks want to sell it for gold, others just want the cool item. Players also use it for some high-end cooking recipes. There are also some very rare items you can get from fishing for this stuff. Some quests also bring out some requirements where you need to get your hands on rare drops.
And of course, there are other quests like this. Clams and Snails are both caught from similar sources. You can catch the Albenaja by fishing in a couple of regions of New World. There are a handful of Fishing Hotspot locations that you can use for this. The best two places to look for the rarer drops is either in Restless Shore and Mourningdale. And because fishing drops are sometimes restricted by region, Mourningdale was probably the best choice.
You need to fish from the Secret fishing sites, and these are the very rare spots. where only the best fish can be found. So use the maps below, focusing on the three-star fish spots marked. There might be a very small chance to get the drops from the two-star spots, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
It’s a very good cooking item and it’s worth a fair bit of gold. Go out and catch some Aquanaja in New World and make some cool stuff.
If you don’t want to waste all that time gathering. But if you’re trying to speed things up, we have a few ways to help. If you want a fast way to find any resource, use the New World map that the community has put together. If you’re hunting for Motes, we have a guide on that too. There’s also a guide for finding WyrdWood if you’re having trouble there. If you’re having trouble carrying all this, try expanding your inventory space. You might want to hunt down other food items like fish filets, they’re super useful. If you need some healing help, you might want to find some Weak Healing Potions, or maybe something better.
There’s a bunch more stuff to learn about the basics of this MMO. You might also want to learn how to respec your build. There are also tons of materials you can gather and craft. There’s a lot of basic stuff like Rawhide and various basic ingredients that you need a lot of. Rarer materials like Steel and Starmetal are useful as well.