
Where is Zavala in Destiny 2?

How to find Zavala in Destiny 2

Zavala in Destiny 2 is a big part of the new series of quests that were added in the new Season of the Worthy quests and stories. Zavala is the leader of the Titans, and a powerful ally of the Guardians who fought alongside the likes of Cayde-6 and Ikora. Fans will recognize him from a variety of different story elements within the main game, and he’s back in Season of the Worthy.

Players will want to find him, as he can be used as a source bounties, quests, and gear for trading. And speaking of new gear, there’s multiple new Exotic pieces of gear to grab this season. There’s a new Exotic pistol that’s pretty powerful. The new content also includes a new series of trade-ins as part of the main quest with Warmind Rasputin, for which you will need lots of Warmind Bits and other items.

The very first step in the new Exotic quest is actually a bit wonky, but you need to be aware of it. There seems to be an ongoing issue with getting to Zavala.

If you want to know how to get into his office, there’s a bit of finagling in getting there. There is a major bug that sometimes prevents players from getting into the room with Zavala in Destiny 2. The bug can be circumvented by grabbing the quest from a different character that hasn’t had the doors lock on them. No idea why this works, but it does.

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If you’re a more visual learner, here’s a video guide.

As part of the new Season of the Worthy, he hands out Vanguard Bounties, so you will want to find him and head there immediately and start grinding out his quests. Zavala in Destiny 2 is located inside The Tower, which can be traveled to from the Destinations Menu. Once inside, Zavala can be found directly ahead of where you spawn in at the end of the long walkway. He’s at the bottom of the map all by himself, so no real way to get confused.

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