General Gaming News

What platforms will Valorant launch on?

Valorant Release Date

Riot Games has announced Valorant, a free-to-play, 5v5 competitive shooter that could storm onto the scene of the eSports fandom when it drops into beta this Summer. The new game from the titan of MOBAs is a 5v5 shooter that mixes hero shooter elements and CS: GO style tactics in a beautiful dance of chaos. The characters each have their own unique abilities as well, adding just enough flair for fans of more colorful hero shooters to take notice.

Developer Riot Games has already teased fans with looks at various concepts and gameplay snippets, leading to some pretty serious hype. Fans got a look at the characters and abilities being built for the new title first up. We’ve seen a fair bit about the weapons in Valorant, which includes a decent array of snipers, handguns and sub machineguns.

Valorant is only set to release to PC, for now. And yes, it will run on pretty much anything relatively modern. There have been no announcements of note regarding future ports. Although, given the popularity of battle royale titles on mobile devices, if Valorant managed to garner an inordinate amount of success from this early launch, there’s still a chance we could see more versions.

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And with Riot Games pushing some of their other spin-offs onto mobile devices, there’s an even better chance for their new shooter. Both Legends of Runeterra and Teamfight Tactics are being ported to mobile, a feat owed in no small part to their explosive popularity. A PlayStation 4 or Xbox One is a little harder to predict though, but there is still a strong chance there too.

And with the incoming launch of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, there’s going to be a mad dash to get new games onto the ultra-powerful platforms, so that is another possibility.

For now, it’s all just conjecture as to whether Valorant comes to mobile or console platforms.

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