
What is Crystalline Aura in Lost Ark?

Lost Ark

So instead of them failing to make New World succeed, Amazon has decided to port this game to western markets. OK, sniping at Amazon aside, the game is actually pretty fun if you’re into the very weird niche of Korean MMOs. With design decisions very reminiscent of Black Desert, this game wants its players to sink tons of time into it. And that means there are a lot of complex mechanics being thrown around. Being a new MMO, there are millions of gamers asking questions about Lost Ark.

All the various timesinks can be reduced in a very special way, although you do have to pay for the privilege. Players can buy into the 30-day sub, called Crystalline Aura in Lost Ark. Each time you buy in, you get an array of bonuses attached to your account. These apply to all your characters, and are surprisingly helpful. Many of the bonuses have to do with Strongholds. You can drastically cut back on the time it takes to unlock new crafting recipes, which is a huge help. In addition, you also get reductions in the cost of the various fast travel mechanics in the game.

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Crystalline Aura in Lost Ark Bonuses

These are all of the main bonuses you get if you pay the monthly fee.

  • Crystal Benefactor Title
  • Daily Rapport Action increases by one
  • Life Energy natural recovery +10%
  • Ocean Liner fee -50%
  • Song of Return Cooldown -50%
  • Stronghold Action Energy basic recover amount +10%
  • Stronghold Crafting time -10%
  • Stronghold Dispatch time -10%
  • Stronghold Research time -10%
  • Stronghold Training Grounds Ultimate Stress Buster unlocked (+7,000 XP per minute)
  • No Triport fee
  • Usable Bifrost slots +2
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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.