
What do you do with Paintings in Elden Ring?

How to beat Bols Carian Knight in Elden Ring

Throughout your adventures in Elden Ring, you’ll stumble upon many hidden items, powerful enemies, and strange objects. Uncovering the secrets of this new world will take some doing. Paintings are a special object found in the game world, which seems to be confusing some players. Paintings in Elden Ring are one of the many items and hidden challenges residing in the game. The Lands Between are filled with hidden stuff like this.

In Elden Ring, Paintings can sometimes be difficult to find. One of the first ones you find is called Homing Instinct. This one can be found in Limgrave, at a location called the Artist’s Shack. This location is situated northeast of the Waypoint Ruins Cellar Site of Grace. Head along the road and follow it east to find the arch depicted in the painting. But what about the others? Keep reading to learn more about Paintings in Elden Ring.

What are Paintings in Elden Ring?

Paintings in Elden Ring are basically miniature levels that are scavenger hunts. Once a Painting is found, it will provide players with a clue to the location of a reward. You need to use the clue in tandem with map knowledge to find the teased item. When you come across these, your objective is to find the place where the painting was painted. Like the Evergaols, these special zones are built around a singular challenge. The key difference is that you’re looking for the place where the painter was when they made the piece, not what the piece is actually depicting. Some players get that very wrong.

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As you approach the location, look around for a golden outline of the painter nearby to the loctation. IF you find a painting and then head to the locale, look out for the glimmering painter to know where to look.

If you’re playing and enjoying the game, good for you! You might have questions though, so we have some guides to help you out. When making a character, picking the right class is important. Figure out how to level up your character once you’re in the game. From there, you might want to learn how to upgrade gear, or maybe how to find powerful weapons, like the Meteorite Staff. Or perhaps you’re a melee player and want that shiny new Rivers of Blood katana to hack away with? There are also tons of crafting jobs to be done, like making multiple types of arrows.

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