
How to wear custom patterns in Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0.0

All Ordinances in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

With all the new stuff being added in Animal Crossing New Horizons’ 2.0.0 patch, there’s a lot to learn. The new NPCs and a ton of new shopping options at the co-op is just the beginning. Another big part of the patch is to customize and tweak things. With so many new things to customize, there’s a lot of potential in Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ 2.0.0 update.

The custom patterns in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be used to decorate many new things as well. The Custom Design portal has been expanded, adding new options, and new slots for designs. This was a common complaint pre-patch as there just weren’t enough slots for designs. To begin, find a design you like in the Custom Designs app. You can head into the clothing shop and search with the terminal at the back, or using your Nook Phone.

Once you have found or created a custom design, it’s time to wear it. Now, just open the app and head into the Custom Design tab. You can apply these designs to a few things or surfaces. Interact with the custom design and choose what you want to place it on. If you’re in the Island planner, you can apply it as a decal to the floor. If you’re using the Pro Designs app, choose to apply it to a shirt or other clothing item. When you want to apply it to a clothing item, choose the design, then pick Wear, and choose what item type to apply it to.

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You can even speed up construction projects with the Donation Box. There are also other ways to make items unique. You can also use Customization Kits, or Reese and Cyrus, to customize the color. The options are pretty varied and you can get a ladder set-up kit that fits your color scheme.

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