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Watch Dogs Legion announces Ray Tracing support

Watch Dogs Legion

Watch Dogs Legion will support some pretty impressive graphical technology, the incredibly Ray Tracing lighting system. And in this new game, RTX GPUs by Nvidia will lead the charge. This new partnership has been revealed from Ubisoft at E3 2019.

The newest game in the Watch Dogs franchise is taking the gameplay loop of the core idea in a new direction, and it appears as though the backend of the game is getting a revamp too. That’s because the game has now announced Ray Tracing support for Nvidia GPUs.

Ray Tracing is, just like the name implies, a rendering technique which tracks the path of light ways on an image to draw the lighting of a scene more accurately and efficiently. Think of it like a scene from Dexter involving tracking blood splatter, only in this case the blood is a beam of light and rather than finding out details about a murder, this technique can help games better position light sources in a scene.

In other news, we finally have some gameplay footage of Watch Dogs Legion to check out from Ubisoft. Said footage shows a pretty similar opening to Watch Dogs 2, with DeadSec making a return with a mission for a new cast of characters. The big focus here is on the rotating cast of NPCs, and a newly revealed permadeath system.

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When a player dies in combat in Watch Dogs Legion, they’re control will be transferred to a new player character. And each character has their own backstories and abilities. The viewer is introduced to Helen, Naomi and more via this new innovation for the franchise.

The inclusion of the graphical powerhouse that is improved lighting is incredible, for those with the hardware to handle it. Current generation consoles will not be able to support this though, and most middling or low-end PCs won’t either.  But it is still a very interesting concept for a game.

Watch Dogs Legion is due out for all the major platforms on March 6, 2020.

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