A bunch of new trailers have been released for Warriors Orochi 4. And just like the previous trailer and other content released to promote the game, there’s a lot to digest.
We not only get to see several characters in action, Ares and Odin are at the forefront for example, but we also get to see various new combat systems for the game. The trailers feature a lot of Ares and Odin in combat, and they look quite good doing it. If you wanted to steamroll the competition, one of these two characters appear to be a solid choice.
Koei Tecmo also revealed details about the progression system in Warriors Orochi 4. There’s a lot of facets to the system as well, far beyond pure leveling up. As you increase in level with a character, their base stats increase, but there are other ways to buff your fighters. Weapons can be upgraded to give bonuses to certain stats, or affect overall damage. It’s also possible to add new slots to your gear to further modify it.
Players also have a home base that functions as a central hub and training ground for your units. The base can also passively farm loot using your off-duty units. You can train your unused fighters here to passively increase their power. The base itself can also be upgraded to speed up training and unlock new abilities. And the better you upgrade your base and train your units, the higher the quality of loot that can be found.
Warriors Orochi 4 will release for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on October 16th in North America and 19th in Europe. Check out the two newest trailers for the game down below.
In the meantime, why not check out the original Warriors Orochi 4 announcement, or maybe the recent reveal of Perseus, another new character.