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Warhammer: Chaosbane gives a first look with the devs

Warhammer: Chaosbane

Warhammer: Chaosbane is the upcoming Warhammer fantasy RPG from Eko Software, and it’s got some new gameplay that you should check out if you’re a fan. Kris from Eko Software walks gamers through one of the early levels of the game, while demonstrating some of the mechanics and story backdrop for the title.

The game is billed as a singleplayer experience first, but there is also local co-op in the game. We see a bit of that as an Elfen mage joins Kris’ party made up of a melee-focused Captain. There’s no doubt that a solid party composition will be integral to success on some of the tougher challenges in the game. It will be interesting to see what tricks the devs through in to make the game more challenging with friends.

Throughout the course of the game, the player will face down the endless legions of Chaos from the various Gods of Chaos. We see Nurgle followers in this first gameplay snippet, but we hope that the various other Chaos forces will be ready for battle when the game releases.

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Warahmmer: Chaosbane is due out on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2019. Check out the gameplay preview down below. We can expect more about this interesting action-RPG soon.

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