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Warframe – How To Complete The Detonator Challenge

Nightwave Week 7

The Detonator Challenge in Warframe is one of the many different Nightwaave challenges that crop up each week in the game. As the developer, Digital Extremes, is in a bit of a holding pattern for a few weeks thanks to COVID-19, the current Nightwave quests are in Intermission. This means that the current crop of quests will continue to rotate through random goals on both daily and weekly rotations, and it will be some time before the story advances with the launch of the New War content. There is one weekly quest that has players confused, the Detonator Challenge. This particular quest wants players to take down a certain number of enemies using Blast damage to deliver the killing blow. We have also seen quests on the Weekly rotation during Nightwave Intermission for Radiation and Gas damage types.

How To Get Blast Damage Kills

Once you have a pair of mods which add the needed damage types, in this case Heat and Cold, you will deal the needed damage type. When you equip mods that do both Cold and Heat damage, it will generate Blast damage.  The order in which you place the mods also matters in Warframe. The game reads them left to right, top to bottom. So when slotting mods into a weapon, be aware of that. Luckily the game makes it easy to read your output on the mods screen by telling you the exact values of the damage you’re dealing out.

There are also a bunch of weapons of all three classes that deal Blast damage without additional mods. Take any of the weapons listed below into a low-level mission and start blasting away. If you want to simply complete this mission as fast as possible, take one of these weapons into Pantheon or M Prime on Mercury and start killing. You can easily rack up hundreds of kills on these easy missions fairly quickly. Speed up the process with mods like Vicious Frost, Cryo Rounds and Chilling Grasp for Cold damage, or Hellfire, Incendiary Coat or Molten Impact for Heat. Having a buff to the core damage types on these weapons will also add more Blast damage when used in conjunction.

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Most of these weapons are pretty good MR fodder too, and some of them can be bought right from the Market with Blueprints and built easily.


  • Carmine Penta
  • Lens
  • Ogris
  • Penta
  • Quanta
  • Quanta Vandal
  • Secura Penta
  • Tonkor
  • Vaykor Hek
  • Zarr

Secondary Weapons

  • Angstrum
  • Kulstar
  • Prisma Angstrum
  • Talons
  • Vaykor Marelok

Melee Weapons

  • Glaive
  • Glaive Prime
  • Halikar
  • Jat Kittag
  • Kestrel
  • Magistar
  • Santic Magistar
  • Orthos
  • Orthos Prime
  • Redeemer
  • Serro

There are three different physical damage types. Most weapons do a combination of these three damage types in Warframe, be they melee or ranged.

  • Impact: Strong against Shields. Weak against flesh. Can stagger enemies.
  • Puncture: Strong against armor. Weak against shields. Can reduce enemy damage output.
  • Slash: Strong against flesh. Weak against armor. Can cause a bleed effect.

Then there are a handful of elemental damage types.

  • Cold: Strong against shields. Weak to flesh. Can slow enemies.
  • Electricity: Strong against robots. Weak to armor. Can chain lightning to other enemies.
  • Heat: Strong against infested flesh. Weak to shields. Can cause burn and panic effects.
  • Toxin: Strong against regular flesh. Weak to robots. Can cause a poison effect.

After that, we get into the real meat and potatoes of the issue. There are six different secondary damage types that can be created by combining different physical and elemental damage. Check out the image below for a breakdown of how to create each combo:

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