Warframe Guides

Warframe Guide: How to get Baruuk

How to get Baruuk in Warframe

Warframe has a ton of different mechanics, and there’s a lot of depth to them as well. New and veteran players alike will feel lost when booting into the game and trying to figure out what the heck is going on. So to help, we’re writing another guide on some of the basics that should help inexperienced players feel less lost. We’re back once again here at ISKMogul with yet another Warframe guide.

Our newest guide is another that lays out the process and materials to farm for, and construct, another Warframe in this chaotic shooter. Warframe’s Baruuk is the latest entry in our growing collection of Warframe guides.

This is the equivalent of the likes of Gara, from the Plains of Eidolon. Players will need to fish, mine and complete Bounties, this time in Orb Valis. Baruuk features some incredible potential for DPS thanks to his abilities. This incredibly OP endgame Warframe offers a great mix of offensive and defensive options. Lull can inflict a sleep-inducing slow effect on enemies that’s great for crowd control. Elude is a wonderful little escape tool for getting Baruuk out of a tough spot. Subdue and Serene Storm offer some really creative options for dealing damage and controlling mob packs too.

Check Baruuk out in the video below.

All of Baruuk’s blueprints can only be acquired by purchasing from Little Duck, using Vox Solaris standing. The main blueprint requires players to be at Agent rank, while component blueprints require Hand rank. Expect to spend 20,000 Standing on the component Blueprints. This will entail a huge amount of farming to reach these ranks. Lucky for you, we have a guide on getting Standing that will help.

Once you have those on lock, it’s time to start the real challenge and farm for resources. First, let’s talk about the basic resources you will need for the basic Blueprint builds. Below you will find a list of the best planets to farm these resources.

  • Alloy Plate: Venus, Sedna, Jupiter, Ceres, Pluto, and Phobos
  • Salvage: Mars, Jupiter and Sedna
  • Ferrite: Mercury, Earth, Neptune, and Orokin Void.

Next up is the much rarer or crafted resources. Since this Warframe is mostly built out of parts from the Orb Valis Standing and Mining systems, there’s a lot of crafting to be done. Keep in mind that Hespazym Alloy needs Morphics (Hellas and Gradivus on Mars) and Plastids. Let’s start with the Mining stuff:

  • Marquise Thyst: Purchase the BP from Smokefinger at Fortuna for 12,000 Standing, farm Thyst via Mining in Orb Valis.
  • Hespazym Alloy: Purchase the BP from Smokefinger at Fortuna for 4,000 Standing, farm Hesperon via Mining in Orb Valis.
  • Radiant Zodian: Purchase the BP from Smokefinger at Fortuna for 8,000 Standing, farm Zodian via Mining in Orb Valis.
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Now onto the fishing components:

  • Entroplasma: Dismantle Tromyzon (Rare spawn in Ponds during Cold weather cycles)
  • Ecosynth Analyzer: Dismantle Synathid (Legendary spawn in Caves during any weather cycles)

And lastly, general drops:

  • Vega Toroid: Go to Spaceport in Orb Valis. Try to get one of the enemies to put down a Reinforcement Beacon and wait until the beacon hits Alert Level 4. From this point, unlimited enemies will spawn. These enemies can drop it.
  • Sola Toroid: Go to Temple of Profit in Orb Valis. Try to get one of the enemies to put down a Reinforcement Beacon and wait until the beacon hits Alert Level 4. From this point, unlimited enemies will spawn. These enemies can drop it.
  • Calda Toroid: Go to Enrichment Labs in Orb Valis. Try to get one of the enemies to put down a Reinforcement Beacon and wait until the beacon hits Alert Level 4. From this point, unlimited enemies will spawn. These enemies can drop it.
  • Orokin Cell: Defeat Lech Kril (Mars, War) or General Sargas Ruk (Saturn) for the best drop chance. Also found on Saturn, Ceres and Orokin Derelict.

Now let’s break down exactly how much of each resource you need to construct Baruuk. It’s a lot of Fishing and Mining, so it’s best to do the farming while also grinding Standing for Fortuna, then to save the resources as you get them rather than just spending them on other items.


  • 15000 Credits
  • 3 Vega Toroid
  • 3250 Salvage
  • 100 Hespazym Alloy
  • 5 Marquise Thyst


  • 15000 Credits
  • 3 Vega Toroids
  • 2850 Alloy Plate
  • 50 Hespazym Alloy
  • 5 Ecosynth Analyzers


  • 15000 Credits
  • 3 Calda Toroid
  • 2500 Ferrite
  • 10 Entroplasma
  • 5 Radiant Zodian

Once you have all the Blueprints and materials, head to the Foundry and start building. Although remember, it’s going to take time. Baruuk is a fun frame to play with, so if you want it, use your Plat to rush the construction if you can spare it. Also, check to make sure you have an open slot before beginning the build.

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