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Veteran Mass Effect developers are returning for new game

BioWare vets returning to help on Mass Effect 5

A new Mass Effect game is indeed coming, as a recent teaser from The Game Awards 2020 has revealed. The teaser trailer for Mass Effect 5, whatever the new Mass Effect game ends up being called, is pretty cool. And with it comes a few teases about future plans for the game. Those future plans seem to involve something a little surprising. It turns out that various veteran names from BioWare have come back to help out on the new game.

One of the names being brought out for the new game is Mike Gamble. Gamble was involved with the franchise for quite a bit, but has since become somewhat of a mouthpiece for the games after the announcement of a new Mass Effect game. Gamble spent a lot of time teasing fans about plans, by mostly highlighting some developers who were returning to help out.

No idea what such a game would look like yet, but that hasn’t stopped fans from going wild. Story details and everything else is still a mystery, but that speculation is something the team seemed to enjoy hearing. Gamble even encouraged fans to keep trying to guess what was coming. The possibilities are boundless for the new game, so see what you think might happen. It might even help give BioWare an idea what the fans do and don’t want.

One such veteran of BioWare coming back also worked on the original Normandy shipcinematics, the art, as well as the awesome gameplay systems from various parts of the series. Since then, it seems there has been a slow and steady impetus to get the old band back together, so to speak. It would seem that the new rebirth of various BioWare veterans is sort of a mea culpa from the company after the unfortunate flop of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

These tweets about the Mass Effect developers adds some fuel to fan fire for the new game, where folks are hopeful that a return to form can undo some past mistakes with the franchise. Since we’re so far from release though, we’ve got years to wait. We will hopefully get to see more of the game in the coming months, but it will likely be a couple of years before we see the game finally released.

To whet your whistle until more news is out, check out the teaser for the game below. You could also check out the new Mass Effect Legendary remaster that got announced, when it finally drops. It will almost certainly be out before we hear more news about the next mainline game.

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