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Vampyr launch trailer shows off some more moral choices and gameplay

Vampyr Combat Trailer

Vampyr is stalking its way toward release on June 5, and Dontnod have released one final trailer for the game before then.

Vampyr takes place in London around the year 1918, at a time when the city was gripped by an outbreak of Spanish Flu. As Doctor Jonathan Reid, you would normally be tasked with helping the sick, but there are some extenuating circumstances. Namely, you’ve been turned into a creature of the night, a blood-thirsty vampire.

As previous coverage has shown, the moral quandary of whether you feed on humans or not is at the center of gameplay in Vampyr. As you walk through shadows at night, the weight of your choices follows you. The gameplay will alter according to your decisions, so tread carefully.

Check out the final trailer for Vampyr below.

Vampyr will be released on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on June 5.

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