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Two Point Hospital adding freeplay sandbox in next update

Two Point Hospital

Two Point Hospital has been out since August of this year, and it’s been a bloodbath of greater than biblical proportions. According to the devs, since release, players have cured approximately a billion patients, and they’ve allowed 150 million to die. Those disturbingly high numbers are about to explode though because of a future update plan.

The biggest new announcement is that players will finally get a full sandbox mode with all features and resources unlocked from the start. It’s also really easy to unlock, only requiring a few levels to be played to get into the sandbox.

Additionally, Two Point Hospital is set to celebrate Halloween with its new “Spooooooky Mode”. This new gameplay mode will push a bunch of new assets into the game that will deck the halls in scary ghosts and ghouls. For example, all of your patients will start walking around with jack-0-lanterns on their noggins.

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Sandbox Freeplay Features And Details

  • You need to play through the first three levels of the game to unlock it
  • After unlocking it you can create sandbox hospitals in any of the games’ 15 different levels
  • Unlimited cash and Kuddosh are included
  • You can turn off epidemics if you don’t want to deal with them
  • Long wait queues can also be turned off
  • Change the name of your hospital to whatever you would like
  • Allows for more freedom to run your hospitals the way you want. Anything goes!

Neither of two modes have a firm release date yet, but Two Point Studio promises that they are coming soon.

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