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Treachery in Beatdown City brings in retro brawler style later this year

Treachery in Beatdown City Trailer

Beat ’em up games like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage are getting a big leg up back into the public awareness of  gamers with a bunch of new titles that evoke that particular cooky retro style. Treachery in Beatdown City very much evokes that feeling judging from the newly released trailer from developers Nuchallenger and HurakanWorks.

Much like games like Streets of Rage, there’s a definite dark comedy edge that looks to satirize political events and other strife while bathing the whole affair in the neon-cloaked 80s-inspired retro aesthetic.

The gameplay looks at lot more polished than those retro titles though. Treachery in Beatdown City takes a bunch of thematic enemies and throws endless legions of them at the player. Punks, club kids, crooked cops, gang members and more will come flying at you fist-first in this game and the way in which you fight them is very different than you would expect.

Treachery in Beatdown City blends turn-based RPGs and retro brawlers to create a pretty unique experience. Players must string together combos by combining attacks and managing their “stamina” to deliver devastating combos to their enemies. Resource management and combat strategy are much more deep than one would expect compared to older brawlers. There’s a ton of different moves from just punches and kicks, grapples and throws will be vital to chaining combinations of moves against multiple enemies.

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Treachery in Beatdown City will release for Nintendo Switch and PC sometime in 2019. The game originally debuted on Kickstarter in 2014 and has been worked on for the past few years by developer Shawn Alexander Allen and it’s finally heading toward the open market. If you want to see more, check out the gameplay trailer down below. We’ve also included a simple description down there too.

The beat ‘em up/tactics/RPG of your dreams! Treachery in Beatdown City is a dark comedy action thriller focused on giving players the freedom to fight how they want against an increasingly ridiculous cast of enemies.

The US President Blake Orama has been kidnapped by Ninja Dragon Terrorists! Take to the streets with 3 unique fighters – Lisa, the Boxing/MMA expert, Brad, a pro-wrestler with a love of fire, and Jeet Kune Do/Capoeira fighter Bruce.

Use an all new tactical-brawling system to fight through hoards of thugs, drunks, disorderly cyclists, joggers, grapplers, punks, ninjas, terrorists, ninja terrorists, cyborgs and MORE on their pursuit to save the president!

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