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Tour de France 2020 shows first-person view in new trailer

Tour de France 2020

The newest iteration of cycling video games, Tour de France 2020, has a new gameplay trailer. The focus of this new footage is all about the new first-person view mode that will be in the series for the first time this year. This new feature will help players get more immersed in the races they’re running, and give them a new angle to check out the competition from during the action.

Developers NACON and Cyanide have revealed this and more in the newest trailer for the game. Aside from the new camera controls, there are some new tweaks to gameplay that will make the twists and turns of the sport a little more electrifying. Gameplay has been streamlined to make room for the expanded features and new gameplay modes that have been added. New tracks with a  much more engrossing time-trial system will lead the pack of redone elements this year.

The new version of the game in Tour de France 2020 has a bunch of new features aside from this as well. The newly revamped Pro Leader mode has been given a lot of focus this year. Players will be able to take their newly crafter pro rider all the way through the most grueling courses and races, growing their stats and prestige along the way.

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And since Tour de France 2020 is the first time the franchise will come to PC, this means that Pro Cycling Manager 2020 isn’t alone anymore on the platform. Check out the latest trailer for the game down below. The game launches onto Xbox One, PS4 and PC on June 4.

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