Pokémon Go has a new blend of Special Research tasks rolling out to fans this week. Players will find a variety of new tasks to complete for various special prizes. As part of the wider 36-part Throwback Challenge 2020 Niantic has added a variety of different goals. Each one sees the players having to capture certain types of Pokémon. The individual rewards within each part will grant single rewards, like PokeBalls or berries. And each set of tasks has a reward attached as well.
And just like any of the other Special Research quests in the game, you can earn really useful rewards from the Kanto Special Research in Pokémon Go. Check below for the full details on the Kanto Special Research in Pokémon Go, so you know what types to look out for and the kind of rewards you can earn.
PokemonGoHub has also managed to datamine the details of the entire event, so you should go check that out when you get the chance.
Set 1
- Catch 3 Grass, Water or Fire-type Pokémon – 10 PokeBalls
- Take a snapshot of a Bug-type Pokémon – 5 Pinap Berries
- Catch a Rock-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Onix Encounter, Golden Razz Berry
Set 2
- Battle in a raid – Clefairy Encounter
- Transfer three Pokémon – 10 Super Potions
- Catch 1 Water-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Starmie Encounter, 2 Silver Pinap Berries
Set 3
- Evolve 3 Pokémon – 10 Great Balls
- Hatch an Egg – unknown encounter
- Catch and Electric-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Raichu encounter, 2 Golden Razz Barries
Set 4
- Give your buddy a treat – Ghastly encounter
- Send a gift to a friend – Dratini encounter
- Catch a Grass-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Tangela encounter, 2 Silver Pinap Berries
Set 5
- Earn a candy walking with your buddy – 10 Ultra Balls
- Make 3 great throws – Chansey encounter
- Catch a Poison-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Weezing encounter, 2 Golden Razz Berries
Set 6
- Take a snapshot of a Ghost-type Pokémon – Hitmonchan encounter
- Evolve a Pokémon – Lapras encounter
- Catch a Fire-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Alakazam encounter, 2 Silver Pinap Berries
Set 7
- Take a snapshot of a Ice-type Pokémon – 10 Hyper Potions
- Evolve a Pokémon – Aerodactyl encounter
- Catch a Fire-type Pokémon – 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Arcanine Encounter, 2 Golden Razz Berries
Set 8
- Power up a Pokemon six times – Earn a Charged TM
- Battle another Trainer – Earn a Star Piece
- Catch a Ground-type Pokemon – Earn 500 Stardust
You will earn the following rewards: Rare Candy, Nidoking Encounter, 2 Silver Pinap Berries
Set 9
- Claim reward – 3000 XP
- Claim reward – 3000 XP
- Claim reward – 3000 XP
You will earn the following rewards: 10 Rare Candies, Mewtwo encounter