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The Sinking City details storytelling in new preview video

The Sinking City Update The Art Of Visual Storytelling

We’ve got another new update video for The Sinking City from Frogwares. This new video is all about the storytelling prowess of the upcoming game, and how it will resonate with players.

Frogwares is attempting to create a story that is both emotionally engaging and visually striking. The devs are attempting to craft this delicate balance via the clever use of he use of color, lighting, and camera angles to manipulate the player, but in a good way.

Cinematic artists Dmytro Teplinsky and Andrew Kudriashov were on hand to discuss these systems in more detail. One example is that the devs are using the coloring of certain scenes and cinematics to match certain themes that the game explores. For example, a red-tinged scene is meant to represent blood and gore as an allegory for violence. The video also dives into how player choice will impact the story of Charles W. Reed, and how the journey of the protagonist can change based on those choices. It’s all really interesting to behold, and you should check it out.

We’ve seen some pretty somber and horrifying stuff from Frogwares, and this newest trailer just adds to the pile of tentacled nightmares this game is sure to induce. There’s the original E3 2018 trailer that showed us a tease of insanity, then there was the cinematic trailer titled “Death May Die” which went whole hog on losing it’s mind.

Check out the newest gameplay footage for The Sinking City down below. The Sinking City will be released for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on March 21st, 2019

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