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The Pokemon Company details mobile Pokemon Master in new video

New mobile game, Pokemon Masters, announced

With the release of a new trailer for the upcoming  3v3 battler mobile title, Pokemon Master, gamers got a new look at the mobile game. The trailer, titled “More Master, More Battles” takes a deep dive on the future title, showing off gameplay modes, rosters and more. For one thing, we get a nice in-depth look at how battles will play out in the upcoming mobile release.

The big new addition is Sync Pairs, this system will allow players to sync with a Pokemon of their choice from across the historic franchise. Sync Pairs will then journey across the setting, the island of Pasio,as you fight your way through a Championship Pokemon League. These pairs will feature some legendary pairs that players of new and classic games will love to get back in touch with. For example, Red and his Charizard and their rivals Blue and Pidgeot from the very first game are both in this roster.

Combat in this game has both a similar feel to the original mainline games, but by also adding some new elements that will make things a lot more interesting. The 3v3 battles will be much more complex than those of Pokemon Go. One difference is that in addition to the monsters themselves having their own movesets, Trainers have moves and actions too. And this goes beyond just using healing items. Trainers can apply buffs to their allies with their actions, potentially turning the tide of a fight.

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Check out the game in more detail in the new gameplay footage down below.

The game is set to release for iOS and Android sometime in the future, but with no specific release date set. Pokemon Masters will be ‘free to start’ and is aiming for a Summer 2019 release.

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