General Gaming News

The Outer Worlds 1.1 fixes exploits and bugs

The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds is a rather great game. The new Obsidian RPG even managed to land in the top three of the biggest-selling video games for October 2019. And heading into the holiday season, it looks like the game still has some legs on it. Although even though the game had a relatively solid launch, there have been some issues.

As we pointed out in our review of The Outer Worlds there were some oversights in terms of accessibility which clashed with the tone of the game and it’s focus on representation. Specifically there were some issues with UI and text scaling that annoyed some users. The new 1.1 patch has now helped to alleviate some of these concerns by adding in an option to scale text sizes for subtitles, nice job Obsidian.

There are other fixes packaged in here too. A rare crashing issue encountered in one of the game’s later areas, Tartarus, has been fixed. This patch also comes with some quest fixes. It’s now possible to reset “Botched” companion quests if the character was accidentally killed before the quest was completely finished or triggered. And speaking of companions, another quest fix for “Radio Free Monarch” has been applied that should remedy problems with certain companions in your party.

One other major fix is for a very specific exploit involving the rare weapon, Prismatic Hammer. A math error caused damage values to be scaled exponentially rather than through multiplicative means. This would cause the player to be able to one-shot any enemy by abusing this error with certain abilities. That has now been patched out and damage variance has been normalized for this weapon. And as far as I can see, this new patch doesn’t affect the item duplication exploit. Once I can download the patch and test the exploit, I will amend this post if that changes.

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The Outer Worlds is out now for consoles, and PC via the Epic Games Store.

The Outer Worlds Patch 1.1 Patch Notes

Top Community Requests:

  • The game crashing at a specific point when the player has reached Tartarus has been resolved
  • Toggle to increase the font size (found in the UI tab under Settings). Increases font for conversation text, cinematic subtitles, bark subtitles, and terminal text.


  • Players will no longer experience muffled sounds when playing on the PlayStation 4


  • The Prismatic Hammer has been rebalanced and no longer incorrectly uses the level multiplier as an exponent instead of a multiplier and will no longer do 10s of thousands of points of damage at a higher level. Now deals the damage it should have been dealing all along


  • Existing Botched companion quests will have their status reset to Active allowing the player to add them to a party when leaving the ship in order to un-botch the quests, unless the death occurred prior to unlocking the companion quest
  • Fix for “Radio Free Monarch” where issues would happen when talking to Nayoka while having SAM in your party


  • Foliage on the Xbox One now has parity with the foliage on PlayStation 4
  • The achievement/trophy for “It’s Not the Best Choice” will pop correctly
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