General Gaming News

The Kinect is dead, at least for now

Xbox One

According to a report to, Microsoft announced that manufacturing for the motion sensor input device has been shut down. And it’s not that surprising since Microsoft has been slowly phasing out features for the platform for months now.

And before you point and laugh at the “failure”, need I remind you that Kinect sold more than 35 million units during its run. Of, course this was partly due to the inclusion of the peripheral with Xbox One consoles at launch; and a non-Kinect option was eventually released due to consumer demand, but there is definitely some good news here.

And for those fans who actually liked the Kinect, it will live on in some forms, including, surprisingly, in the iPhone X. Apple acquired PrimeSense, the Israeli company that created the 3D tech in the original version of the Kinect that was released in 2013. The iPhone X will use PrimeSense’s algorithms in the depth-sensing camera’s Face ID system. Additionally, Microsoft is also working on the Hololens, which uses Kinect technology, which was developed by Kinect creator Alex Kipman.

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