General Gaming News

The Elder Scrolls VI reveal is still years away

Elder Scrolls VI Teaser

The reveal of The Elder Scrolls 6 was a bit of a surprise. People knew it was coming, but seeing the otherwise empty teaser did get some people very excited. So fans are already pestering folks for more info. But I have some potentially bad news. Players and fans will likely have to wait years to see the final game, or even more news about it.

Hines had already disclosed that this year’s E3 media briefing would have been focused on various other smaller titles like Arkane’s Deathloop and Tango Gameworks’ GhostWire Tokyo. These games are pretty different from The Elder Scrolls 6 and the fanbases are very much a different set of folks. And with E3 2020 having been shuttered for the year, there’s no clue as to when we will see more of these games in action.

“It’s after Starfield, which you pretty much know nothing about,” Hines shared in a tweet, visibly annoyed at fans always asking for more information about The Elder Scrolls 6. “So if you’re coming at me for details now and not years from now,” he added, “I’m failing to properly manage your expectations.” Basically, folks should calm down and wait out some of the inevitable delays that will happen surrounding the new AAA RPG.

Gaming fans have always been pretty tempestuous when it comes to tempering their expectations and being patient. So this is likely a case of the Bethesda fans just having to learn some patience.

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