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Terminator: Resistance will launch for PC and consoles in November

Terminator: Resistance Release Date

The Terminator franchise is in a rough place. With multiple films that completely annihilated the canon set up by the first two films, while also completely destroying any sense of tone, scale or immersion, I’m not all that excited by news about the franchise anymore. As far as I’m concerned the franchise ended with T2 and the spin-offs based on that film, and everything after that is just junk. Don’t get me started on the cinematic abortion that was Genisys, I just don’t want to go there. But we’re not here to complain about a beloved property being ruined, we’re here to wonder if it can be redeemed in video game form.

The god-awful Terminator Salvation third-person shooter certainly didn’t inspire anything other than annoyance in me, and it looks like this latest effort is headed down that same path. The fact that it’s being developed by Teyon and published by Reef Entertainment, doesn’t make me confident either. Why? Because this is the same duo that was behind that utterly atrocious on-rails shooter, Rambo: The Video Game.

The formula is pretty stale for generic action games, so the developer is throwing in a bit of variety. Terminator: Resistance will toss in a branching story as well as diverse endings, but it might all end up being window dressing on the Titanic, we will just have to wait and see.

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This new game takes the ailing franchise in a new direction, so there might be hope after all. Taking place 30 years after Judgement Day, pushing the story of the film franchise and various offshoots into a much more generic setting.  You play Shootbang McActionMan, otherwise known as Private Jacob Rivers, who fights against Skynet in the ruins of future Los Angeles, it all sounds awfully similar to some other Terminator games to me, and as someone who personally considers everything after Terminator 2 to be non-canon nonsense, this just seems like an uninspired cashgrab. In all likelihood it will be an attempt to monetize the license before it expires with the current holders, and we all know how those efforts turn out in theaters. Who knows, maybe this game will buck the trend, but I’m too cynical to have any hope for it.

Terminator: Resistance will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 15th this year. Watch the announcement trailer for the game below.

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