General Gaming NewsMMORPGs

SWTOR announces Onslaught expansion, bringing tons of new content

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic has had a bit of a rough going these last few months. Players have cited a lack of engaging new content, too much power creep, and an over-reliance on paid mechanics as a real problem with the game. Although it looks like things are getting better with the newly announced expansion for the MMO.

The ongoing war between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire is ongoing, and it’s set to reignite to an uncontrollable blaze with this newest content update. The new war fronts that will open up in this patch will take players to new areas with lots of new mechanics and fun to be had.

Onderon and Mek-Sha are the two new planets teased as part of Onslaught, but that’s not all this expansion brings to the table. With a new Flashpoint mission on the table, players will also finally return to the planet Corellia, wrapping up plotlines that have been in motion for years now.

And yes, players both solo and in groups, will be able to take on this new content.

In terms of gameplay, BioWare is making a priority of this update being item balance and power creep. New additional item sets will drop with the new expansion, offering improvements and power bonuses to existing classes as well as opening up some new pathways.

A new item slot called Tactical items will be added to the MMORPG with this update.  Taking these new items, players will be able to pair them with numerous new set bonuses to choose from, including general sets that can be used by everyone. These item sets can be acquired through multiple paths. Acquire your gear no matter how you choose to play: Player vs Environment, Player vs Player, Galactic Command, and Crafting are all viable.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught is coming September 2019, free for all subscribers.

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