General Gaming News

Stardew Valley 1.4 patch changes everything

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley has been consistently pushing out new content and updates since its release in 2016. Developer Concerned Ape has come a long way since the simple premise of a cartoony farming and life sim. The story has been expanded with the inclusion of new characters and storylines that brought the quaint setting to life. The addition of a full multiplayer system took things even further.

And now, with the release of the 1.4 patch, things are changing again. According to developer Eric ‘ConcernedApe’ Barone, the patch will improve “nearly every aspect of the game.” Speaking about the future, he said, “One of my main goals with 1.4 was to finally ‘polish’ the game to the degree that I’ve always wanted,” Barone detailed some of the changes coming in the free update. “What I mean by that is that I wanted to fix all the bugs that have been lingering in the game, to fix a lot of weird or annoying things about the controls and feel of the game, and add in a lot of ‘quality of life’ features that will make the game more seamless to play.”

There’s not much detail about all that the patch alters, but Barone did share a bit of info. The previously useless Wild Bait now has an effect that allows catching of twice the normal amount of fish for a short time.  Barone also hinted that “more endgame stuff” is coming to the PC version of the game to give players who have already built their dream farms something to do.

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Although the PC users are getting the update first, most consoles are getting the update as well. A few exceptions are in place though. One is that the PS Vita version will not be getting any of the new features. Instead, Vita players are only getting a bug fix update. Another hurdle for some users is that the developer has no intention to integrate multiplayer on mobile versions, so phone-based Stardew Valley players are out of luck on that front.

The 1.4 patch will roll out for PC on November 26, and consoles will get the patch a short time later after testing a validation is completed.

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