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Star Citizen shows off Squadron 42 visuals in new trailer

Squadron 42 2019 Visuals

Another year down, and game developers are still working hard on their various projects. In the case of Cloud Imperium Games, their game Star Citizen is going into 2020 with all cylinders firing. CIG is gearing up for some of the biggest updates to the game since development began. The newest version of the alpha, Star Citizen 3.8 was recently released, bringing with it a ton of new features and improvements.The newest version of the alpha, Star Citizen 3.8 was recently released, bringing with it a ton of new features and improvements.

To celebrate the new year, there’s another update coming too. Squadron 42, the expansive singleplayer element of Star Citizen, has a new trailer. This story-driven campaign is stuffed with A-list actors, with the likes of Mark Hamill, Gary Oldman, Henry Cavill, Gillian Anderson and John Rhys-Davis all taking part. And with an entire galaxy to trot across in more than 40 different spaceships, there’s going to be a ton to do. I just hope players will have fun blasting their way from fighter pilot to ship captain, or least that’s what I want out of Squadron 42.

So we’re still a fair few years out from the final full release, let’s be honest, but I’m rather impressed with the progress that has been made so far. And CIG seems pretty proud of their work too. The new trailer, which can be seen below, shows off a rather impressive jump upwards in visual fidelity.

After the festival of reveals that was CitizenCon this year, donations and hype exploded for the game. More than 2.4 million backers have currently pledged a total of $259,168,529 toward the project.

If you want more Star Citizen news, we’ve got plenty on the docket for you. There’s already been plenty of reveals for Squadron 42 these past few years. Though the mode was hit with delays a while back, the improvements to the content development pipelines these last few months should help speed up future progress and make up for it.

If you want to see more ships, Cloud Imperium had some showcase vids, made in the style of Top Gear, that showcased in-game ship makers, like Origin Jumpworks. Also, why not check out the Around The Verse video series a look?

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