General Gaming NewsStar Citizen

Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special – Roberts Space Industries


Another day, another video in the marathon series of Around The Verse videos Cloud Imperium Games are pumping out ahead of the next phase of Alpha 3.0 for Star Citizen.

The newest video focuses on the oldest ship manufacturer in the Star Citizen universe, Roberts Space Industries. The first ship showcased is the luxury cruiser Constellation Phoenix.

The second ship is the RSI Orion, which is currently the biggest mining ship in the game. As a matter of fact, the ship has been scaled up to almost double its original size.

Finally, we move away from ships and into ground vehicles with the Ursa Rover. This new ground vehicle was designed as a companion to the Constellation, so it’s compelling to understand the design decisions that went into this little quad.

In the meanwhile, the anniversary sale continues, and the game’s crowd-funding tally has reached $168,807,597 at the moment of this writing. This means that it has made over $650,000 in twenty four hours. Registered players are now at 1,923,590.

In case you’re interested, check out the other ATV videos in this latest series, especially the recent announcement about Land Claims that I’m particularly excited about. Or if you’d rather get to the new video, check it out below:

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.