General Gaming NewsStar Citizen

Squadron 42 has a new video promoting ship AI and capital ships

Cloud Imperium Games released a new video of Star Citizen’s upcoming single-player campaign Squadron 42 this week.

We first got an update on how some of the ships and locations will work in the single-player game. The biggest focus is the Bengal-class carrier that was the very first capital ship shown for the game before the Kickstarter campaign in 2012. The absolutely massive carrier is so huge that CIG had to put in a transport system to allow the player to move around the ship quickly.

There’s also some time spent detailing improvements to graphical aspects like facial modeling and character animation.

Aside from discussing aspects of different ships, there’s also some talk about how AI will function in Squadron 42. More precisely, we learn how the AI will behave in combat, and how each pilot will have dynamic skills and traits that will basically give them a personality.

If you want more details about Star Citizen, check out some more videos about AI and mining, or maybe you want to see some more ships in the game.

You can enjoy the video below. At the moment parts of Star Citizen‘s persistent universe are already playable for backers as part of alpha 3.0 version, that will receive the 3.1 update in a few days.

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