
Software Inc. Cheats and Console Commands

Software Inc. Cheats and Console Commands

Software Inc. is a game all about running a software company from the early 70’s, until the modern era. You can do anything from making video games, to producing operating systems. THe more advanced production lines even involve building your own manufacturing facilities. On top of all that, there’s a huge amount of furniture and other items you can use to decorate that new office. And once you have those new digs, you need to hire programmers and artists to make your products. The mix of planning and management is an addicting prospect.

There are a lot of stats to worry about when it comes to your stats. Managing all that staff and office furniture is a big headache, and without cash to afford it all, you’re going to be in trouble. Software Inc. cheats can be useful if you want to get your hands on more cash to run that shiny new software company. That way, your new outfit won’t go the way of the Titanic. That’s where the console commands and cheats come in handy, as they can do a lot more than just give you more cash.

Using Software Inc. cheats is pretty simple. Start a new game, then hold Ctrl+Alt+Home to display the console. This will bring up the command console at the top of the screen. This avoids problems with trainers or third-party cheats, so it’s much simpler to just use these commands. You can unlock all furniture or claim all the possible building plots, which opens up a ton of opportunities. Keep reading to figure out the potential of all these cheats.

Software Inc. Console Commands

  • Clear – Clear the Console.
  • Show_On_Error – Toggles whether to show the console when an error occurs.
  • Show_Timestamp – Establishes whether or not to show the time stamp for each command.
  • Help – Shows a list of all commands available.
  • Set_Font_Size – Sets the font size of the console.
  • Show_Verbose – Sets true or false the property Verbose.
  • ShowDebugLog – Establishes whether or not to show Unity Debug Log.
  • Exit – Exits the game.
  • Take_All_Land – Claims the entire plots.
  • Write_Error – Shows all errors that has occurred during this save.
  • Toggle_Lights – Toggles whether lamps should always be on.
  • Unlock_Furniture – Unlock all furniture
  • Spawn_Guest – Spawn a guest, that appears in the game for a receptionist.
  • Toggle_Skyscrapers – Toggle whether skyscrapers should become see-through.
  • Max_Employee_Stats – Maxes the states of all selected employees.
  • Spawn_Car – Spawn the specified amount of cars, which park somewhere for a couple of minutes and drives off.
  • Add_Money – Spawn the specified amount of money.
  • Add_Funs – Spawn the specified amount of fun.
  • Clear_Dirt – Clears dirt in all rooms.
  • Skip_Days – Skip the specified amount of days.This might freeze the game for a while.
  • Skip_Hours – Skip the specified amount of hours.
  • Skip_to – Skip the specified hour between 0 and 23.
  • Age_Employees – Ages all selected employees the specified amount of month.
  • Reload_Furniture – Reload all moded furniture with immediate effect.
  • Furniture_Thumbnail – Generates a thumbnail for the specified furniture. Only works in the Main Menu.
  • Toggle_Ceiling – Toggles the generation of ceiling meshes in first person mode.
  • Reload_Mod – Reloads the specified mod, but not for the currently running game.
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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.