EVE Community

SaraShawa Overview Pack v7 – Rhea Edition

Hi hello, as many of you now know I maintain an overview pack. I’ve updated it for Rhea, and it is once again available ingame, as well as via direct download (if you prefer the legacy install option, or want to edit it yourself.)

For people looking for more explanation, here’s a link to v6 thread. I’m tired of duplicating the giant post every time, so I’m gonna do these more conversational updates going forward.

To access the pack, join the “SaraShawa-Overview” channel ingame, and read the MOTD.

The pack has been updated, check this reddit post for details:


Simply use the in-game channel as normal to get the link for the updated overview.

Changes for Rhea:

  • new NPSI pvp preset – shows everyone except your fleetmates, to permit all that hot blue-on-blue action
  • tweaked several of the preset names, shortening them to make it easier to edit them & save over the existing one ingame. This is an ongoing process, so not all of them are short or simple enough yet.
  • (hopefully) fixed issues with exploration site containers not appearing correctly on PvE presets
  • added the Tactical Destroyer where relevant
  • reviewed default presets to ensure all NPCs encountered in New Player Experience are visible immediately after installing the pack
  • ensured Mordus NPCs in lowsec belts would consistently appear
  • took “Large Collidable Structure” off the normal PVE preset – it resulted in overview being hilariously clogged in missions and such. Very interested in feedback as to whether this is desirable – I don’t do any PVE at all so this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I want to give it a try. My priority looking to V8 is to address any PVE related shortcomings this pack might have, as it is, admittedly, overwhelmingly PVP-focused.

Questions/comments/feedback are welcome here, in the ingame channel, via twitter (@ohtakashawa), or in the “reason” field of isk transfers. Enjoy!

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.