General Gaming News

Rocksteady will not be present at E3 2019


So it turns out that yet another developer is going to disappoint their fans. Turns out that Rocksteady, the wonderful team best known for their work in the Batman: Arkham series will be skipping E3 2019 to focus on their in-development projects. The Warner Bros. subsidiary announced the sad news on Twitter earlier today.

The company also skipped out on Gamescom last year for similar reasons, so fans likely knew this announcement was coming long before it happened.

This news has prompted some renewed speculation as to what Rocksteady could be working on. It’s somehow related to the DC Comics universe, but not much is known beyond that. Some speculated that the project has something to do with Superman, but Rocksteady shot that down definitively. So fans continued to speculate away, as they are want to do.

But according to job postings on the developer’s site, Rocksteady was searching for new team members for a “very high profile, triple-A game franchise.” That tidbit lent some credence to the idea that this could be a major new project that fans of the legendary superhero titles from the London developer are likely to really enjoy. Although it will probably be some time before we see any news about this unannounced new game.

So who knows, maybe Warner Bros. has a secret superhero game waiting in the wings for E3 2019. But the loss of Rocksteady at the event does cast some shade on that potentiality. We’ll just have to wait until later this month to find out what WB is up to.

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