
Resident Evil Village Infinite Ammo Cheat Guide

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Resident Evil Village makes things pretty easy if you pay attention and collect enough ammo and other items throughout your runs. Some sections require a lot of ammo and healing items, but on most difficulty settings, the game is very generous. If you are having trouble you could always cheat. There are of course mods and trainers for the PC version you can use, but that’s not an option for console players. Capcom has added a Resident Evil Village Infinite Ammo Cheat that you can use. Here’s what you need to know about the cheat, as well as how to unlock it.

How to Unlock the Ammo Cheat

Firstly, you cannot start the game with the cheats on. You will need to play Resident Evil Village a lot to get the points you need to unlock the cheat. Players use Completion Points (or CP) earned by accomplishing special challenges either in The Mercenaries mode, as well as the main game. You can find the options in the Bonuses menu after beating the main game one time.

Within that menu, you will find what you’re looking for. For most weapons, you need to find and fully upgrade the relevant gun to be able to purchase the cheat for it. This alone will mean multiple playthroughs to unlock everything within the game. The weapon upgrades are also pretty hard to max out, meaning that you will only be able to get a couple done in each run.

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Players must also unlock all the weapon’s customizable parts, which means a couple of upgrades will be needed for each weapon. And for added difficulty, the most powerful weapons, like the M1851 Wolfsbane and GM 79 launcher will be very expensive, both for upgrades and the ammo cheat.

You need to buy the Resident Evil Village Infinite Ammo Cheat for each weapon in this menu. You need to spend points on the weapon you use most. Capcom did this to both not make the game too easy while encouraging replayability to unlock more content. It’s not as useful if you’re having trouble on your first playthrough, you really do just need to get better about gathering items and being better at aiming. A steady hand and good situational awareness can carry you through most of the game very well.

If you’re curious, here’s what weapons can have infinite ammo versions from the Extra Content Shop:

  • LEMI
  • M1911
  • V61 Custom
  • M1897
  • W870 TAC
  • SYG-12
  • F2 Rifle
  • GM 79
  • M1851 Wolfsbane
  • S.T.A.K.E.
  • WCX
  • USM-AI
  • Dragoon
  • Handcannon PZ
  • Rocket Pistol

But if you want to put the work in, that’s how you unlock the Resident Evil Village Infinite Ammo Cheat.

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