General Gaming News

Resident Evil 3 Remake is almost finished

Resident Evil 3

Capcom finally confirmed the long-awaited remake of PS1 classic Resident Evil 3. We’ve seen plenty of teasers of the game the last few weeks. This of course includes the incredible Collector’s Edition that has a really cool statue of main character Jill Valentine. And of course, there’s some more stuff coming out about the game this week.

According to the newest announcements from Capcom, the game is in a “final adjustments” phase. Masao Kawada revealed this and more crucial details in a recent Famitsu interview about Resident Evil 3. Kawada says that the game is around 90% done and will soon be “going gold. So fans are really hyped about this game, since it’s only a few months away.

We also got to learn about how the development team is handling dealing with Jill Valentine as a character. The female protagonist is one of the most popular in a Capcom franchise, and likely one of the most recognizable from Resident Evil as a whole. She’s an incredibly powerful and varied character that tons of fans love to play. And it seems like Capcom is planning to undo some of the damage later games did to the strength of the character with this remake.

Part of this process of remaking a classic RE game will involve changing the look and feel of how the game and the characters play. And of course, the look of the classic characters Jill and Carlos will change as well. Although Capcom has made sure to not change their recognizable likenesses too much.

Resident Evil 3 and its multiplayer mode Resident Evil Resistance are coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on April 3, 2020. You can preorder the game on Amazon.

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