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Remastered versions of Aladdin and The Lion King will launch soon

Remastered Versions of Aladdin and The Lion King Leaked

At the GameStop Managers Conference, it was leaked that remastered versions of Aladdin and The Lion King will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch later this year. We’re only a couple months away from getting back into the Genesis classics that Disney fans remember fondly.

Nighthawk Interactive and developer Digital Eclipse are working to update the games with various needed features for a modern audience. The games will support 1080p HD resolution natively. The controller setups will also be customizable. And since these games are infamous for their difficulty in some sections, both titles will have a “rewind” save state feature for gamers to make use of.

The collection, which will cost $29.99, will include the Sega Genesis and Game Boy versions of Aladdin along with Aladdin Final Cut and a trade show demo of the game that has not been publicly available since 1993.

Check both of these remade classics in the preview trailer down below.

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