
Red Hot Iron – Destiny 2 Iron Banner quest guide

Red Hot Iron Destiny 2 Quest Guide

The Iron Banner is back in Destiny 2. Lord Saladin has returned with a  new set of PvP trials that can be used to farm some nice loot. These activities aren’t quite as challenging as Trials of Osiris, but they still offer some interesting progression and sweet gear. Part of this new quest batch is the inclusion of the Red Hot Iron quest. The Red Hot Iron in Destiny 2 is all about going through multiple stages of PvP action, and getting rewarded at the end of it.

The first and only stage of the quest in Destiny 2 just went live, so it’s time to get going. Head to the Crucible screen in the Director to get started. You will notice that a new glyph has appeared on this screen, that’s your cue that the event is active.

Old Reliables

The first step of the questline in Red Hot Iron in Destiny 2 is a goal called Old Reliables. This quest is pretty simple, you just have to get a certain amount of kills using certain weapon types. There’s a need to get 25 each of Sidearm and Auto Rifle kills. Sounds pretty simple. These early stages are meant to teach PvP players the manner of mastering their weapons, so expect more stuff like this in the future.

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Red Hot Iron - Old Reliables

Precision kills are the fastest way to handle this task. There are of course other helpful perks for various Auto Rifles and Sidearms that are good for this. Gnawing Hunger is a choice that many players are recommending for this quest. Basically any on-meta PvP setup that offers the most damage will help you plow through this roadblock. Breachlight can be a handy choice for a Sidearm, although you can go with any weapon you want really.

You will get The Forward Path Auto Rifle and the Fool’s Remedy Sidearm for completing this quest. From the bundle you can also claim five Iron Vendetta shaders.

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