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Red Dead Online bringing new Moonshiner Role

Red Dead Online bringing new Moonshiner Role

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run a backwoods liquor operation? Have you ever considered running such a scheme in the waning days of the Old West? Now Red Dead Online will answer that question for you, with a new update coming to the online portion of Red Dead Redemption 2.

The new specialty role helps fill out the whole roster of different ideas and professions within Red Dead Online. There are of course the basic roles like Trader that open up generic pathways to different missions and employment opportunities within the online mode. But it’s those specialty roles that really open the game up. Each of the Red Dead Online roles has 20 role ranks, each with their own set of missions. And when you consider the Bounty Hunter, Trader, Collector and more all have their own paths, there’s just so much to do.

But starting on December 13th, Rockstar will be expanding the Roles with a new addition, the Moonshiner.

“Establish your own bootlegging business in this new Specialist Role—an ideal fit for players progressing along the Trader path or anyone seeking a property to call their own,” said Rockstar Games in the announcement post. Players who are active Traders and have finished a sell mission or attained Rank 5 will unlock this career path. You will have to seek out Maggie Fike to purchase a Moonshining Shack and get started. You can eventually open up a speakeasy when you progress through later missions.

As you unlock more new recipes and techniques, your quality of liquor goes up, and so does the prestige of your little operation. But be warned, there will be some stiff competition and you will no doubt have to defend your holdings. But the rewards are well worth it. As you equip your new underground bar with a dance floor, musical acts and more, you can earn plenty of cold hard cash.

The new Moonshiner role unlocks, the new Navy Revolver, additional clothing options and an increase in the amount of outfit slots in your Wardrobe, are all due to drop with this content update on December 13th. Rockstar has also introduced other content to RDO, including seasonal events, so you’ve got plenty of reason to get back on that horse.

Red Dead Online is out now for PlayStation 4, PC, Stadia, and Xbox One. And of course the main game is also the incredibly wonderful Red Dead Redemption 2.

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