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Rage 2 reveals content roadmap for post-launch DLC

Rage 2 PAX East 2019 Gameplay

We’ve seen a ton of new and teased content for Rage 2 from Bethesda, and now we’re getting even more meat to sink our teeth into. And it turns out that this new content for Rage 2 is the reveal of a whole batch of new content that goes out over the next several months for the rest of 2019.

Bethesda is lining up the first month in the games release as setting the tone for the rest of the post-launch content. There are some weekly challenges headed our way, as well as a new world event that will offer a new unique quest and some really cool gear to earn by completing it. Gamers will also get a shot at some cool new weapon skins, offering cool new looks for the already map weapons in the game.

Each month will echo this setup, with new challenges, world events and skins coming in each update. However the big draw for 2019 with Rage 2 will be two major expansions planned for later this year. The first major paid DLC expansion is expected to then land in August entitled ‘Rise of the Ghosts’, then the second one will show up in the fall. No details yet as to what they contain, but we know that new quests, vehicles, weapons and more

We’ll just how good this whole game is when it drops tomorrow for consoles and PC on May 14th.

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