General Gaming News

Quantic Dream launches collection of their best games

Detroit Become Human Demo

Quantic Dream, the French developer infamously associated with gaming icon David Cage, has released a collection which includes three of their better games on the PS4.

The Quantic Dream Collection is out now with Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain all in one bundle. Pick it up for PS4 in one package for $39.99. It can be grabbed in both physical and digital offerings, either from your local retailer or on the Playstation Store.

Though many gamers tend to crap all over Quantic Dream games for their nonsensical storytelling or weird bugs, these three games are the best of the bunch when it comes to the legacy of the developer going back more than a decade. The stories and gameplay of these games are pretty consistent, with the overall experience improving in a variety of ways between each game. Detroit: Become Human is by far the best of these three games in terms of both overall quality and visual style. And the acting prowess of the cast makes the game really shine. I won’t spoil any of the nonsense or story elements, but you could literally make a bingo card with David Cage games and fill it out with each game.

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Having the option to play all three together certainly is a good opportunity for those that missed out on these titles to pick them up. And if you haven’t played through Detroit: Become Human yet, this is your best chance to that’s currently available and very affordable.

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