General Gaming News

Pokemon GO Update Adds Stardust And EXP To Gifts

Pokemon Go

Niantic pushed out a minor patch to Pokemon GO this weekend, with the goal of making the Friends and Gift system more rewarding.

The biggest change is that Pokemon GO gifts, the rewards players receive from spinning Pokestops that they can send to friends, will no contain a new set of rewards. Namely, EXP and Stardust will now be awarded to players when opening gifts. Players who send gifts will also earn EXP as well.

Level 40 users may not care about EXP, but the majority of players are still slowly grinding through the game’s insane level structure. Stardust, on the other hand, is valuable for everyone. The incredibly value Stardust rewards will make players much more powerful, given that they can further optimize their upgrading and management of their Pokemon.

Players can also sort their friends lists now to make them easier to manage, as well as remove gifts that they’ve sent if they aren’t claimed. There’s some other Quality of Life changes too, like the Raid window now showing a timer that displays how long the spawn has left. Performance has also been improved, with friends lists loading much quicker post-patch.

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As far as I could tell, any existing gifts that are sitting unclaimed prior to this patch will not include the new rewards.

We’ve already talked about what the tiers are to the friendship system, go here if you want to learn about that. You should also read up on the upcoming Community Day and other events in the game.

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